Thus you must present the 2020-2021 rent out of time to avoid a greater coup d'etat

Thus you must present the 2020-2021 rent out of time to avoid a greater coup d'etat

Thus you must present the 2020-2021 rent out of time to avoid a greater coup d'etat


The 2020-2021 rental campaign has touched its end after more than two and a half months in which taxpayers have been able to pay off their pending accounts with the Treasury.Last Wednesday, the deadline for submitting the statements ended, but the truth is that the most clueless, that is, those who have forgotten to do it are still in time to save themselves from a fine of great draft.

La clave estará en presentar la Renta, aunque fuera de plazo, pero siempre antes de que Hacienda nos envíe una carta de requerimiento.That will decrease the possible sanctions and avoid fines, depending on the case in which we are.

El caso menos grave es el de aquellos contribuyentes que entreguen la declaración fuera de plazo sin requerimiento de Hacienda y con resultado a devolver, que tendrán una multa de 100 euros.If you wait for the Tax Agency to send you a notification to submit the statement, the fine is double, 200 euros.

La situación empeora cuando se trata de declaraciones con resultado a pagar, ya que este error perjudica a Hacienda.If the taxpayer delivers the declaration voluntarily, without waiting for the Tax Agency to claim it, you will have to meet 5% surcharges (for three -month delays maximum), of 10% (for arrears between three and six months), 15% (for arrears between six and twelve months) and up to 20% if it takes more than a year to do so.In the latter case, in addition, it would pay 3,75% delay interest since the beginning of that year of delay.

Así debes presentar la Renta 2020-2021 fuera de plazo para evitar un mayor golpe de Hacienda

The problem comes when the taxpayer does not present the statement and a notification of the Treasury appears demanding the regularization of its fiscal situation.In this case, the agency can impose a fine of between 50% and 150% of its debt, which will depend on the volume of the debt itself and whether the taxpayer is repeat offered or not.

Knowing the implications of delaying (even more) in the delivery of the statement, the most recommended option is once off the deadline is to present as soon as possible to lessen the coup that hacienda can inflict us after our oblivion.

How to make the income statement

When getting to work with the statement, the citizen must be clear what telematic methods he has at his disposal to deliver it: the draft can be obtained at the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency with electronic certificate (you can get it in four steps), Cl@sep pin or the reference number from box 505 of the past rent.

Already with the draft in front, a series of tips must be in mind:

-Revist all the data: you must consult your personal information, your fiscal domicile...To see that everything is correct and, otherwise, modify or complete it.

-Atction to deductions: you must pay a lot of attention to state reductions and deductions of a regional field, since they can generate important discounts on the amount to be paid or increase the result to be returned in the declaration.

-Ojo if you were in an ERTE in 2020 or if you receive the IMV: in the first case, it will be very likely to have to make the state.In the second case, you must deliver it the mandatory form, since it is an indispensable condition to continue perceiving it.

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