The Government wants to geolocate you with your mobile and uses the Google Rate as an excuse

The Government wants to geolocate you with your mobile and uses the Google Rate as an excuse

The Government wants to geolocate you with your mobile and uses the Google Rate as an excuse

For this reason, article 1 of the royal decree now establishes that the location of the device will be given by all the details of the address that uses the geolocation technology used. Companies will have to collect all this data and make it available to the Tax Agency, detailing the processes, methods, algorithms and technologies used to analyze the tax liability of the digital services provided.

Mobile, GPS or WiFi: locate in any possible way

Geolocation services include IP over networks (WiFi, Ethernet or others), physical geolocation by satellite (with systems such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or Beidou), or through information provided by terrestrial wireless networks. , such as mobile coverage network, WiFi, Bluetooth, or any combination of existing or future technologies.

El Gobierno quiere geolocalizarte con el móvil y pone de excusa la Tasa Google

Along with all the geolocation, the companies must collect all the online advertising and intermediation data, detailing all the income in this regard for each of the services and the number of appearances, and provide them to the Treasury.

All companies that meet the requirements to pay the Google Tax will have to provide these details to the Government. The tax is levied at 3% on income obtained by companies that invoice more than 750 million euros worldwide, and at least 3 million in Spain. For now, large companies such as Google or Amazon have passed on this cost to external sellers or to the users themselves.

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