Six quantum computing companies to follow the track in 2022

Six quantum computing companies to follow the track in 2022

Six quantum computing companies to follow the track in 2022

Quantum computing is already a before and after in the history of computer science.And although it is true that they will still have to spend a few years before we can talk about mature technology, most experts agree that in the medium term, their impact on the main sectors will be completely disruptive.

In this space, both large technology companies and IBM or Microsoft, such as Starups and QCI, are betting on the development of new processors and quantum services with which companies can in the not so distant future, solve problems that are now unthinkable and toThose that classical computing are not able to offer a solution at reasonable times.

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To understand what is happening right now in this niche market, in McPro we wanted to review the companies to which it will be worth paying attention throughout this year.


IBM is one of the great pioneers of quantum computing.In 2019 it became the first company to offer Quantum Computing services at the commercial level, using its own cloud infrastructure and favoring that virtually any company could begin to explore the possibilities offered by this new technology.

Since then the company has continued to improve its equipment and increasing the number of qubits it can offer.In fact, in 2022 he should present a 433 -qubits processor he has baptized as Osprey;In 2023 Condor will arrive, a super computer of 1,121 QBITS and from here, the company expects quantum computing can really be more effective than traditional supercomputing to solve a large number of problems.

Although it is true that a company like IBM may lack this risky and innovative vision proposed by some startups in this field, it is also necessary that it has financial resources to meet its objectives in a loose manner, as it has been in charge of demonstrating when publishing when publishingYour road map.


Seis compañías de computación cuántica a las que seguir la pista en 2022

QCI (Quantum Circuit) is another of the companies it deserves to follow when what we are talking about is quantum computing, betting on a modular approach.Unlike some actors in this ecosystem, their objective is not so much to replace classical computing with quantum, but the latter works in a complementary way.

Within this vision, the company has been developing new services that facilitate that quantum resources are available in binary computers.Within that framework, the company presented at the beginning of 2021 Qatalyst, a quantum software computing platform as a service, so that the company could access these resources through the cloud.

He has also developed a partners program, so that it is its partners who bring the benefits of quantum to its customers, facilitating that this technology is much more accessible.


The Canadian Startup Xanadu has occupied many headlines in recent times, becoming the first company capable of offering a quantum computing platform based on photonics, available through the cloud.In this sense and difference from other companies, Xanadu systems use light instead of superconductors, so they can keep their computer at room temperature.

This approach to quantum has earned you among other things to have been selected by the Agency for Advanced Defense Research Projects (DARPA), which has invested 45 million dollars in the future of the company.On the other hand, the startup has also published Open Source tools for its platform, so that its possible partners and customers can make the most of the quantum resources it offers.

Xanadu states that your system is ideal for solving the current problems of companies, such as network management, planning and logistics and although it probably does not offer clearly differential services with respect to its competence, the potential of quantum computing at room temperatureIt is difficult to ignore.

Microsoft Azure Quantum

As in the case of IBM, Microsoft is another of the big companies that is positioning in the field of quantum.To get to companies, it uses its Azure platform, on an AS Service platform that has baptized Microsoft Azure Quantum.

Its platform offers companies access to quantum resources without the high expenses and infrastructure costs that they usually entail and like the Qatalyst platform of QCI, Azure Quantum offers a collection of resources that go beyond what Microsoft itself offers.In this sense, users can also access QCI, Honeywell, Toshiba, Ionq and 1qloud resources.

D-Wave Systems

Another of the main quantum computing companies to which attention must be paid in 2022 is D-Wave.The company was one of the first to offer real -time cloud access to quantum computing resources, and remains a leader in this field.

At the beginning of 2020, D-Wave presented the Leap 2 platform, which offers users to cloud access to a hybrid of quantum and classic processors.This system can calculate problems with up to 10,000 variables, balancing workloads between classical and quantum resources to maximize efficiency.LEAP 2 also includes several tools for developers that help users to take advantage of the platform without having much experience.


The Startup Rigetti has several news in quantum computing hardware.To begin with, its users can already access their latest generation chip, ASPEN-11, 40 qubits and promise improved performance.In addition, several of their customers can access their 80 -bit processor, achieved by union of two 40 -qubits chips, to test it.

On the other hand, in Rigetti they have confirmed that they are exploring the possibility of allowing their customers to access a third energy state of their superconducting hardware, which would allow their qtrits to convert, and therefore, the manipulation of many more data withThe hardware that already exists.To achieve this, Rigetti has modified its control software so that there is programmable access to one of the most energy states.

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