Invertia The Overview Effect, Indra's response to the need for companies to promote sustainability

Invertia The Overview Effect, Indra's response to the need for companies to promote sustainability

Invertia The Overview Effect, Indra's response to the need for companies to promote sustainability

From left to right, Nacho Rivera, (CEO of The Overview Effect), Cristina Ruiz (CEO of Indra) and Ignacio Cabrera (co -founder of The Overview Effect and Digital Paradigm)


Indra will offer The Overview Effect Technological Soloces to enhance its growth.

22 octubre, 202107:25

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Indra's new bet is The Overview Effect, a company specialized in promoting innovation in sustainability in companies connecting global challenges and business models and enhancing the ability of organizations to generate systemic solutions to the social and environmental challenges of our planet.

In a global environment marked by the 2030 Agenda, the European Green Pact and the European Recovery Funds, Indra bets on the relationship of technology, digitalization and sustainability as a great pillar of the future of companies and institutions and increases its ability to provide valueTo organizations in aspects linked to sustainability by acquiring the majority of the capital of The Overview Effect.

Indra completes its value proposition with the specific and differential capacities in the sustainability of The Overview Effect.And thus, it presents to the market a unique and differentiated offer, which covers from extreme to extreme all the needs in terms of transformation towards the sustainability of companies and institutions: from strategic consulting, through the creation of prototypes, until the development ofTechnologies and products.

Regarding the acquisition of the majority of The Overview Effect, Cristina Ruíz, CEO of Indra, has affirmed that "with this operation, Indra demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and reaffirms its commitment to talent and models of intra -entrepreneurship in their culture ofcompany.We are sure that digitalization will play a key role in the transition to a sustainable economic model and the commitment to The Overview Effect demonstrates our commitment to complement our technological abilities with specific and differential sustainability abilities.

Invertia The Overview Effect, la respuesta de Indra a la necesidad de las empresas de impulsar la sostenibilidad

"The Overview Effect will continue to be an independent company specialized in Prototypar positive impact solutions that solve social and environmental challenges.We will support Indra from Indra and when climbing their solutions through technology, "he says.

Nacho Rivera, CEO of The Overview Effect, on the other hand, explains that "our approach seeks to create solutions that transform the business model and generate positive impact at the same time.In the current environment, sustainability is wrongly close to regulatory compliance and risk management, our ambition is totally different, we want to generate real transformations in the business model understanding sustainability as a value generator.We want to be solucending and regenerators, not only decrease damage and manage risks ".

Generate positive impact

On the other hand, "our second great differential is the ability to use all the power of innovation and technology to help companies generate positive impact, something that makes it easier for us to be part of Indra, the first technological company in Spain.Thanks to technology, we can provide a service from beginning to end going far beyond strategic consulting and focusing on prototyping and climbing new products and services in companies that use technology as a lever to generate positive impact, "he adds.

Nacho Rivera, CEO of The Overview Effect

Rivera adds that the pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of society and the economy, enhancing the certainty that technology and digitalization are the key tools for the future of society and has also promoted greater social awareness in all companies.And now we have a unique opportunity to use all the power that great technologies have to solve the social and environmental challenges we face.The United Nations itself constantly recognizes that the only way to achieve the 2030 Agenda in the time we need is to rely on innovation and new technologies.

Additionally, he points out that "companies have to understand that sustainability cannot be away from their business strategy, but have to be something transverse and priority in their strategic plans and in all areas.We must abandon the traditional vision of corporate social responsibility and to understand sustainability as an expense to begin to see it as an opportunity and an investment.Sustainability is a value generator for companies ".

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