Invertia "hyperconnected Asturias": Internet of things in rural areas thanks to TDT antennas
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Geolocation tasks, remote environmental parameters control, Smart City services monitoring ... Functions such as these, possible thanks to technology, lead us to imagine large cities with large services.
But more and more, the size of the territory that is beginning to explore this type of objectives is reduced, to the point that in recent years the concept of 'intelligent city' has added the concept 'intelligent people' –Smart Town´.
And this is possible thanks to the progressive improvement of the connectivity of the territories and to the involvement of administrations with competencies in territories with a large extension of rural areas and, usually, little connected.
Like Asturias.The regional government of this region has taken a new step in favor of these rural areas and its most disruptive future.
He had already done it, it should be remembered, with gestures such as the creation of innovation laboratories in rural areas or with the choice of two small Asturian villages, pawn and Asiagu (less than 700 inhabitants between the two) to be part of a test benchof the Ctic and the Covadonga hospital to improve the health care of this area thanks to technology.
Now, the Asturias government has announced a measure related not so much to innovation but to connectivity.
Thus, it will deploy a wireless communication network through the TDT towers (Terrestrial Digital Television) that will allow the connection and exchange of data between electronic devices and support technologies linked to the Internet of things.
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University works in a pilot plan to install and test the first antennas of this network, which works in a similar way to a long -range Wifi.
Asturias is incorporated in this way to the technology called Lora, which facilitates a wireless connection that can reach 20 kilometers, robust in front of interference and low energy consumption.
These characteristics make it an ideal connectivity for the Internet of things (IoT in English: Internet of Things).
Obviously, some corners of the region suffered from the necessary connectivity to aspire to projects of this type.The Asturias government resorted months ago to a sensorized vehicle like the one used by Google in its mapping to measure the signal of each corner of the region.
And the result seems to have been conclusive to the point that projects such as wireless communication have intensified.
The operation is simple.This network needs an antenna that facilitates the signal and a series of interconnected wireless emitters that will receive and process sensor data.It is, in short, to connect devices or machines and allow them to exchange small amounts of low speed.
Multiple applications
Applications are multiple and in different important fields in Asturias.For example, "to geolocate the animals of a livestock or monitor if they leave a certain fence in places with little coverage that require remote connectivity; to perform environmental controls of air or water quality; for the control of public services inSmart Towns; or in agri -food, to control through sensors the degree of humidity, luminosity or environmental conditions that need certain products, "they explain from the Asturian institution.
The Minister of Science, Innovation and University, Borja Sánchez, has assured that this initiative is "a great step towards hyperconnected Asturias, since numerous options are opened to facilitate connectivity applied to sectors such as livestock or agri -food facilities."
For Sánchez, the deployment of this network also means "addressing intelligent region projects."
The Principality wants to extend this type of connectivity throughout the region taking advantage of the TDT towers, where the necessary receptors for LORA technology can be installed and connected.
In the pilot plan, which is in elaboration, a series of strategic points will be chosen to test the operation.The next step will be to provide this type of connections to the nearly 170 TDT facilities in the territory.
Subsequently, this technology will be made available to municipalities, institutions and companies so that they can create networks of emitters and sensors to make the measurements they need.
Computer licenses
In another order of things, another Asturian Ministry, in this case that of the Presidency, has also recently signs the importance of technology in everything that refers to public governance.
In this case, yes, the center of its policy is the autonomous administration itself and not so much rural areas.
And, as it has been known in recent days, Presidency will allocate 3.6 million to the supply and maintenance of computer licenses for a period of two years.
"This contract is key- they explain from this department- to promote the digital modernization of the Autonomous Administration, one of the great challenges of the Ministry of Presidency for this legislature."
As indicated, "the jump that involves the passage -centered administration to another based on the data, which allows to make better decisions and provide a higher quality public service, makes it necessary to hire licenses that facilitate the management ofthe databases ".
Together with other digital transformation initiatives, "this change will allow more efficient attention to offer, especially in the fields of health, social services, education and administrative processing."
The Ministry of Presidency indicates that "this use of new technologies promotes and accompanies the evolution of society, as well as the relationship between administration and citizenship."
This implies "a transformation in the paradigm of administrative procedures: the passage of a model processing model to another public service."
In this sense, the Principality considers the challenge of transforming administration into a digital services platform that facilitates accessibility through more efficient, fast and safe electronic means.