Rent 2019: When is an advisor needed to make the statement?
Any error can harm the taxpayer and benefit the Treasury
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Rent 2019: How to make and submit the declaration
Rent 2019 - RENø Service.505 box and obtaining reference
Barcelona writing
Every year when the last income campaign begins many taxpayers ask the same question: "Should a tax advisor resort to make the statement?"The advice of professionals in the sector is that it never hurts to consult an expert in the field since any error can be harmful to the taxpayer and beneficial for the treasury.
Especially, it is advisable to resort to a fiscal manager or advisor when the taxpayer has had a patrimonial gain for an inheritance, has an economic activity or has obtained real estate income.It is also advisable to consult the manager at least for those who have invested in the stock market, in other financial instruments or even in cryptocurrencies.
In favor of the taxpayer
Check the draft data and complete it can be beneficial for deductions
Experts argue that in many occasions the draft is incomplete, so the taxpayer must update the fiscal data.A point that can be beneficial from the point of view of deductions for housing, birth, disability or other benefits that should be included in the declaration.
However, the alarm status situation in which the country lives is making it difficult for the work of fiscal advisors.In a letter that the Registry of Fiscal Advisory Economists (REAF), a body specialized in taxation of the General Council of Economists of Spain (CGE), has sent to the Tax Agency explains that many advisors are in offices with their employees teleworking without power without powerReceive the necessary documentation, since the companies for which they work are in similar circumstances or have closed.
State of alarm
Advisors and managers ask to extend the deadline to submit the statements
For all these reasons, he asks to expand the term of self -assessments, expedite default and subdivisions of tax debts for companies that are not considered SMEs, the cessation of notifications and modify the period of submission of the IRPF and the Patrimony Tax, as well as that ofES statement for exercises initiated in 2019.
A demand to which the Spanish Federation of Professional Associations of Tax Technicians and Fiscal Advisors (FETTAF) is also added, which has insisted on the need to expand the deadlines established for the presentation of taxes, despite the "contradictory argumentary" of the government forJustify its position, since the opposite will entail a "serious business damage," according to the Federation.
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