Closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, program and undertake closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, schedule and undertake

Closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, program and undertake closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, schedule and undertake

Closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, program and undertake closed: Digital Talent for Chile: 1,350 scholarships to learn, schedule and undertake

We extend the applications!Postulate today to the free digital entrepreneurship course with programming at Ruby On Rails to start your business.Open call until December 2.

"Reiníciate in digital" is the second call of the year, which offers programming and design bootcamps, as well as "digital entrepreneurship", aimed at the people acquired skills necessary to raise their own business.

About 1.9 million jobs in the country have the potential to be automatized for technological change and are at risk of disappearing, according to Estimates of Chile Foundation.At the same time, many people do not find work, since their knowledge is outdated.

Meanwhile, jobs related to information technologies grow.For the year 2050, 792 thousand additional jobs will be lifted in Chile in areas related to software development, data analysis and cybersecurity, among others.This world, therefore, is transformed into a work source of broad opportunities.

“Digital talent is the way through which, in this joint action of public-private cooperation, it allows us.What we are doing is ahead of a growing future of demand, ”said Labor and Social Welfare Minister Patricio Melero.

The Secretary of State added that “a very powerful element is not to turn his back on digital and prepare for the challenges that Chile has in the future.That is why we see with such expectation the formation of these 1.350 new scholars that today begin to train ”.

CERRADO: Talento Digital para Chile: 1.350 becas para aprender, programar y emprender CERRADO: Talento Digital para Chile: 1.350 becas para aprender, programar y emprender

The demand for these jobs has increased by the health crisis, due to digital acceleration, and where 1 out of 5 professionals earns more than 20% that, at the beginning of the pandemic, according to IT - Talent figures.That's why Sence, Digital Talent for Chile and Otic Sofofa made available 1.350 scholarships, 750 for online programming and design courses UX/UI and 600 for the digital entrepreneurship course with programming, which is aimed at that people can raise their own digital business.

“This work is done together with companies, with the unions, because it is they who know where the job in our country is going.We have to work together to generate new training scholarships, identify the talents and then hire these people who graduate.And that is the main objective of Sence, finding a job for those who need it most, ”said Sence's national director Ricardo Ruiz de Viñaspre.

All programs are dictated in Bootcamp mode, highly intensive methodology that allows people to acquire the necessary skills for the world of work or entrepreneurship in a short period of time, which goes between 2 and 5 months.

For Hernán Araneda, Human Development Manager of Fundación Chile, “we are at a turning point as a country, in which we require people to the center to face the radical transformation of employment, product of technologization.As digital talent for Chile we give agile response from education and labor conversion, to the needs of the market, developing skills adapted to economics 4.0 ".

Between 2019 and 2020, 4 have entered 4.700 students to digital talent programs for Chile, of which 3.700 have already graduated.To this are added 3.850 new students to enter 2021, totaling 8.550 students among people who are studying and graduates.

Depending on the course, the program success rate reaches up to 65%.This means people that percentage of people find work, undertake or continue studies after 3 months of graduating from the bootcamp.

“Reiníciate en Digital”

This call offers bootcamps in online format that have a subsidy of 3 thousand pesos a day for Internet connection.

The Bootcamp "Digital Entrepreneurship with Programming" is aimed at that people acquire the necessary skills and tools to raise a digital business.This, through the design thinking, design and prototyping of the user experience, agile vision of the product, added to programming knowledge in Ruby on Rails, open source technology that allows the rapid development of web applications and its scalability.

The programming courses in various languages and design UX/UI, are oriented to people from the Metropolitan, Valparaíso, Araucanía and Biobío regions, places where the greatest demand for these profiles is concentrated.The available courses, depending on the region are:

Para postular, se debe cumplir alguno de estos requisitos:

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